We are pleased to announce that today, April 18, 2007, is the 30th anniversary of one of our favorite bands, the Misfits!
Begun by Glenn Danzig and Jerry Only way back in 1977, the Misfits have survived breakups, personnel changes and countless other obstacles to become one of punk rock's greatest and most influential bands. The Misfits have continued into the Internet age with Misfits.com, their own website, and Jerry Only still heads and plays in the band, though Danzig and previous members have moved on to other things. For our own part, we love the Misfits and can often be found grooving to both their classic and new music, and the MonsterGrrls are proud to claim the Misfits as a major influence and inspiration on our own fiendish fang-faced frivolities! ("They even look a lot like Morlock Heights' own Teenage Undead! Super-cool band!" --Frankie)
Now, the Misfits will soon relaunch their website with a cool new look, new features and special content from their own archives. Click the link above to visit their site and preview the way-cool new 30th Anniverscary logo by Dave Burke of Monster Fetish, and keep checking back with us here at The Morlock Heights Harbinger, as we will proudly announce when the new site is launched! It's all a part of keeping the American Nightmare alive!
Click the photo above to learn more about the Misfits' music at Amazon.com!