Calabrese is three actual brothers named Bobby (guitars and vocals), Jimmy (bass and vocals) and Davey (drums) from Phoenix, Arizona, who specialize in red-hot,

Right now Calabrese is preparing their third CD, and has an ongoing contest on their website until October 30th that could let you name the new CD! If you want to participate, send any CD titles you come up with to CdContest@CalabreseRock.com. Hey, your title might just be the one they pick! (Check their website for more info and a list of new song titles--just click on the title link to get there!)
Gotta go now, but be sure to come back tomorrow for more of The MonsterGrrls' 31 Days Of Halloween! OW-WOOOOOO!
Harriet Von Lupin
POST-MORTEM: Calabrese currently has a "Double Feature" deal on their website allowing you to get both 13 Halloweens and The Traveling Vampire Show for $15.99. Click here to go to their merch page and order.