Welcome to The MonsterGrrls' Thir13en For Halloween! Can you please share with our readers about yourself and what you do?
Our current work is a on-going series of video horror-movie reviews that contain a mix of movie footage, commentary, and humor. It is done in costume on our horror set, which is all real, not greenscreen. I am the

Family shows are always good! Is Movie Gravedigger open to all horror films or a select period?
We cover all periods of horror and include mainstream, uncommon and indy movies in our areas of interest.
What inspired the creation of Movie Gravedigger? How long have you been doing it?
Movie Gravedigger was in the idea stage for about two years. The actual filming work on the reviews just started in August 2011.
Since you are a reviewer of horror movies, what is your viewpoint on the state of horror films today?
Unfortunately, I often find myself leaving the theater disappointed. I do not believe all horror films need to be good stories to be scary, but there does seem to be a lack of well-told stories. I think a lot of the disappointment lies in things being so over hyped that it can't help but be a letdown.
We hear that you may be hosting films soon. Can you share?
Yes. This is actually the first time I've mentioned this in public but we will be hosting horror movies on TV on the Mercyhurst College TV station staring in November or December 2011. Really looking forward to this. We also have plans for several videos that I'm not ready to go into detail on yet.
We wish you good luck! What is your best memory of Halloween?
Oh, so many great Halloweens--so many costumes, so many memories. I've trick-or-treated in rain, snow, cold and warm weather. When I was about six, I had a Green Lantern costume and I got sick and couldn't go out, but my mom salvaged the night by letting me pass out the treats (and of course infect the entire neighborhood). One of my favorite Halloweens was when Ryan was little. My work had us relocate to another town for three years. On Halloween during Year One, Ryan got third place in a school costume contest. On Halloween during Year Two, he got second place and in the third and final year at that school he won the scariest costume. I guess I got better at doing horror make-up.
What does Halloween mean to you?
Halloween is my favorite holiday. Here in northwest Pennsylvania, the leaves change and October is so full of color. We get to dress up as anything our imagination can create and take to the streets or meet up with friends, How great to see what original ideas come from our imaginations! I am all for creating a spring equivalent of Halloween so we don't have to wait a whole year. (Right, like it isn't Halloween for me everyday!) Maybe St. George's Day (April 23rd). Who's with me?!
I'll join you for that, and so will the other MonsterGrrls! What will you do for Halloween this year?
Wow! This year the whole month of October has gone wild. On top of relocating our business, Needful Things Coins & Collectables and operating the business, Ryan is going to school full time.

I am also trying to help raise funds to save the Chapel at

To learn more about the Movie Gravedigger and all the cool things he's doing, just click on the links throughout our post. Needful Things Coins And Collectables is located at 210 High St., Waterford, PA 16441, so if you're in the Waterford area, stop by and tell them Frankie Franken and the MonsterGrrls sent you!
Be back soon for more of The MonsterGrrls' Thir13en For Halloween, because we're coming down to the wire!
Sincerely, Francesca "Frankie" Franken