We are delighted to welcome Uncle Fright to the The MonsterGrrls' Thir13en For Halloween. Will you please share with us about yourself and what you do?
Well, as you know my name is Uncle Fright, and I used to be a TV horror host in the 60’s and early 70’s on Channel 666 until the bigwigs decided that I was no longer needed (those shmutzis!). To this day I still can’t understand why; my show seemed to be a hit… although there were some problems with my assistant Grim (which we will not get into right now). As I was saying, they canceled my show and I found myself
unemployed. You see, the thing is I am really an undead being, so finding a real job is not as easy as one may think. After hiding away in a crypt for many years I decided to venture forth and see what had become of the living world. That’s when I heard about this thing called the Internet… and the rest is history.
Television is a chancy business, darling. But how did you get started as a horror host? What is your inspiration?
In the 60's there was a horror host on almost every channel, and looking the way I do and having a history as a monster lover, it seemed like the perfect calling for me. As far as inspiration I noticed that most of the horror hosts out there were trying to be really scary. I think I’m the opposite; I like to think of myself as a cross between Willy Wonka and Bela Lugosi, with a little Pee-Wee Herman mixed in. Horror can be fun!
(Smiles) Oh, I most definitely think so. As you call yourself Uncle, would you describe yourself as a role model for young monsterkind?
I hope so. I would like to bring back the old-time monsters. A lot of children out there don’t know who Frankenstein is, or Dracula… the older movies were scary without being graphic. We need more scary and less blood and guts.
Where may we see Late Night With Uncle Fright?
Right now there are quite a few clips up on YouTube (just look up Uncle Fright), but very soon I will be on public access here in MA.
I wish you all the best, darling. What is your favorite horror movie, and how do you feel about the trend of today's horror remakes?
Oh there are sooo many, but if I had to choose one I
would have to say Bride Of Frankenstein; it’s a classic and so well made. I think there is a place for horror remakes for new generations who haven’t seen the classics. I thought the new Wolfman was very well done.
I thought so too; certainly better than the werewolves from the Underworld series, which were a bit dreary. How do you feel about classic horror versus modern horror?
Nothing can beat the classics in my eyes.
What does the Halloween season mean to you?
Halloween is the only time of the year that everyone looks like me. It’s the night that the monsters can mingle with the living. It’s my favorite holiday!!
And so there is my chat with Uncle Fright. I invite my readers to check out his YouTube channel (accessible through the link above) and those in Massachusetts should keep an eye (or perhaps two) peeled for this charming horror host. Do return soon for The MonsterGrrls' Thir13en For Halloween, and warmest felicitations, as always, to all our own "little monsters."
Bethany Ruthven
SPECIAL HALLOWEEN TREAT: Learn from Uncle Fright himself how to make your own PET SLIME BLOB!!
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