The Mad Doctor |
"Now With No Added Jason" |
Welcome back to The MonsterGrrls’ Thir13en For Halloween. Today
in our Tales Of Unease we’re taking a look at Friday The 13th:
The Series—not the movie series, but the TV series that ran in
first-run syndication from 1987 to 1990. Though it has no connection
to the Friday The 13th movies, FT13 The
Series has a devoted fan following.
series like Amazing Stories,
Tales From The Darkside,
and the 1980’s revival of The Twilight Zone,
anthology series experienced
a renaissance period during the '80’s.
Producer Frank Mancuso, Jr., who had actually produced the Friday
The 13th film
series from FT13th Part 2
all the way to Jason Takes Manhattan, co-created
the TV series with Larry B. Williams under the title of The
13th Hour.
original intent was to utilize the idea of Friday The 13th
itself, as a symbol of bad luck and curses. Interestingly enough,
Mancuso had hoped to do this idea in the FT13
movies themselves, but like John Carpenter’s Halloween,
the masked serial killer Jason Voorhees became so popular among
moviegoers that he became
the franchise, and the anthology film series idea was scrapped.
While the creators desired to use Jason Voorhees’ trademark hockey
mask in the TV series (a rumor surfaced that a planned ending for the
show would involve a plot to retrieve Jason’s hockey mask itself),
there was never any serious intention to tie FT13
The Series to the movies. The creators
eventually decided to call the series Friday The 13th
because Mancuso believed it would better sell the show to networks.
The Un-Scooby Gang |
The Series revolves around cousins-by-marriage Micki Foster (Louise
Robey, who goes by “Robey” in the credits) and Ryan Dallion (John
D. LeMay), who discover that they have inherited an antique shop
originally owned by their uncle Lewis Vendredi (which means “Friday”
in French), who died in a mysterious fire. The two decide not to
keep the store and sell off most of its antiques before they are
stopped by a former friend of Lewis’s, Jack Marshak (Chris
Wiggins), a former stage magician—and an occultist. The cousins
then learn the awful truth: Vendredi had made a deal with Satan to be
immortal and obtain wealth and power in exchange for selling the
antiques, which are all cursed. With Jack’s help, the cousins must
find and return each of the antiques to a vault located beneath the
store, which is the only thing that can contain the antiques’
power. The spirit of Lewis (R. G. Armstrong) would occasionally
Evil Uncle Lewis being evil |
return throughout the series to try to stop the cousins, making him
the show’s recurring villain.
in most anthology shows, the stories were a series of morality plays,
with the cursed item featured as a McGuffin to move along the plot.
However, there were also recurring story arcs with each of the main
characters, and the nature of the show meant not only a hefty body count, but also that the continuous
battle to recover the cursed antiques took its toll on Micki, Ryan
and Jack as the series progressed. Ryan was eventually written out
of the show after being transformed into a small child at the
beginning of the third season; his replacement was Johnny Ventura
(Steve Monarque) a “kid from the streets” who became an
on-again-off-again love interest for Micki. The show was abruptly
cancelled in 1990 without warning; the cast were informed
while filming Season 3’s twentieth episode that the show was ending,
and there was no chance to film more episodes, or even scenes for
that episode, that
would provide closure to the series.
You can't always trust a snow globe |
some have decried its inconsistency in episodes, the show was a solid
production and an interesting experiment, which has had an
inspirational effect on other shows that came after it. The recovery
of cursed relics to prevent evil is not an uncommon trope in horror,
and it has turned up in series as diverse as Buffy The
Vampire Slayer, The
X-Files, Supernatural,
and even The 13 Ghosts
Of Scooby-Doo (whose entire plot
revolved around a quest to retrap 13 evil ghosts who had been
accidentally released from a cursed chest). The popular SyFy series
Warehouse 13 has been
called a virtual retread of this series by some, despite there being
enough differences in the two to make up for it, but few can deny
FT13’s influence on
that series. Regardless of how you feel about it, FT13 The
Series is very much a part of
the TV-anthology horror landscape.
sure to return for our next installment of The
MonsterGrrls’ Thir13en For Halloween. We
can’t say you won’t
have bad luck if you don’t, but you never know...
MAD DOCTOR'S NOTE: Friday The 13th: The Series is available for purchase on Amazon.com, both in individual-season and complete-series DVD sets.
The (almost) last cursed item... |
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