This picture starts out bein about a young one named Luke, whose granny is tellin him a story about witches and what they done to a young girl named Erica. He is stayin with his granny while his parents is off somewhere, and I don't know if she was tellin him the story to get him to behave or not, but anyhow the next day they find out that Luke's parents done been killed in an accident, so Luke is now stayin with his granny from here on. Both Luke and his granny are natural upset about the accident, so they decide they will take a vacation out to a hotel at the seashore. Luke is holdin up well, but he is the only young one at the hotel, which is uncommon filled with all these women meetin for some convention. Then Luke meets another young one named Bruno, who is a bit rambunctious cause his parents don't pay no attention to him. Everthing goes along for awhile until Luke is playin in one of the convention rooms with his pet mice, and then all them women that's conventionin at the hotel come rushin in and fill up the room, so Luke decides that he should hide himself. Then this other woman with long black hair comes struttin in and you can tell she is the grandie dame of all them other women, and they shut up the room and start pullin off wigs and masks, and Luke is seein that all them women is witches and the grandie dame is the leadin one, what's called the Grand High Witch, and they's the same kind of witches his granny was tellin him about.

The Grand High Critter Witch tells all the other critter witches that she has got a plan to get rid of all the children in the world, cause it is part of the story in this movin picture that witches do not like children because children smell like nasty stuff to witches. Well sir, I say that this is twaddle, cause a real witch would have done with bad-smellin children what we did to little Timmy, who is a young one what lives down the road from me and is all the time runnin with the young ones of Miss Cecily, who also lives down the road and is a werewolf, and one time they was out playin and little Timmy fell in an old waterhole that had stagnant water and swamp slime in it. The werewolf cubs all set up howlin and we come to see what's the matter, and Timmy was right ripe-smellin when we got him out, so we just set him in a tub full of hot soapy water and scrubbed him till he hollered. I am thinkin from the look of them that all these critter witches is really smellin theirselves, but of course one should be polite and respectful to folks, even the mean ones.
So anyhow, the old Grand High Critter Witch wants to use a secret potion to turn all the children in the world into mice so cats will eat them, which ain't nohow practical. So Luke is hearin all this and knows he got to tell his granny so they can find out what to do, and then the Grand High Critter Witch brings in Bruno to test the secret potion on. Luke tries to save Bruno, but it don't work, and both him and Bruno get turnt into mice. So in the rest of the movie Bruno, who likes bein a mouse, and Luke, who don't, got to save the world.
Jasen Fisher plays Luke, Mai Zetterling plays his granny, and Charlie Potter plays Bruno. Angelica Huston plays

So I am done here, and blessings be to you and yours. We're comin back tomorrow with more Halloween postin, and I shall be doin another movin picture review soon cause I'm kind of likin it.
Petronella Nightshade
POST-MORTEM: I am mentionin here that all of us and the Mad Doctor would like to say thank you and howdy to Mr. Greg West, his wife Kay, and his young ones Zephyr and Katie-Brooke. It was him what suggested that I should of writ this review, cause he showed this movin picture to his little boy Zephyr and they all liked it though it was scary. --P. N.
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